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Seconds Can Change A Life: Recognizing And Responding To Infantile Spasms

Seconds Can Change A Life: Recognizing And Responding To Infantile Spasms

Infantile spasms, also known as West syndrome is a rare but serious type of epilepsy that affects babies. The seizures are short repeated jerks that can cause developmental problems in the future if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Knowing the signs of infantile jerks when you are a parent can make all the difference in your child’s development.

Spot the signs: Infantile spasms symptoms

Infantile spasms can be subtle and easily mistaken for normal baby movements. However, there are some signs that you should be aware of:

A sudden jerk. The spasms can be experienced in the neck and upper body of a newborn baby. This causes them to quickly move inward. Legs and arms may also flex or extend rapidly.

In clustered episodes, the snaps may occur in clusters of spasms with multiple spasms, over the course of a brief time (seconds to minute). These can happen in a series throughout the day.

The expression of babies might cry or seem startled during spasms.

The Power of Video: Capturing Spasms and Movements in infants to detect early diagnoses

Time is crucial if you suspect your child could have infantile spasms. To ensure a timely diagnosis and effective treatment, each second counts. Here are a few scenarios where recording video can save lives:

Visual evidence When you document your child’s muscle spasms, you can provide doctors with valuable visual evidence to diagnose. Sometimes, these minor events can be missed during a doctor’s appointment.

The video will help doctors to make a precise diagnosis of infantile spasms and distinguish the different types of seizures.

Treatment speed: Early diagnosis can facilitate treatment in a short time possibly reducing developmental delays caused by untreated spasms that occur in infants.

If you suspect that your child is having spasms, take immediate action.

If you notice your child having a hard time sleeping, you should know:

Create a video. Make use of your camera or phone to capture as many details of the spasms as you can.

Call your pediatrician immediately: Getting your child seen by a pediatrician is essential. Share the video and explain your concerns.

You must seek immediate emergency care, if needed. If you are unable to reach your pediatrician immediately, take the infant and video recorder to a nearby emergency department for children.

Early intervention is vital to protecting your child’s future

Spasms in infants can be a source of developmental issues like cerebral palsy or intellectual disabilities. It is crucial to identify your child quickly and intervene immediately in order to maximize the likelihood of recovery and milestones your child will experience. There are numerous treatment options available for infantile spasms. These include dietary and medical regimens. If the problem is very severe, surgery could also be necessary. In addressing this condition with appropriate medical management early enough, parents can increase the chance of minimizing negative long-term effects, and assist their child on his or their journey to improve motor and cognitive functioning.

Remember: Don’t ignore your instincts if you think there’s something an issue with your baby. Always be cautious. Your child can keep them healthy and happy by educating yourself about signs and signs of infantile strains. If you observe them, record a video and get medical attention immediately.